Spreader roll Mink®

Spreader roll Mink® – Safe, effective and exceptionally competitive

The best solution!

The Mink spreader roll (BSW) has become indispensable in the processing of tissue papers. Even multi-ply papers are gently and evenly smoothed to the edge of the web and processed without wrinkles. Typical problems with electrostatic charging are optimally avoided by conductive fibers. This ensures reliable processing, reduces downtimes, and increases line productivity by up to 30%. Mink spreader rolls: Smooths wrinkles, avoids web breaks and reliably dissipates electrostatic charges.

Your advantages

  • Safe, effective, easy installation.
  • Crease-free smoothing right up to the web edge.
  • No separate drive.
  • Virtually wear-free fiber technology.
  • Spreading effect already at the first contact with the web.
  • Service-friendly roll design.

Most commonly used in Tissue field

BSW134/134AL: Converting lines having limited roller length and low speed – typical of interfolded products.

BSW163/163AL: Converting lines having long rollers and high performances – typical of toilet, kitchen and industrial paper.

BSW194/194AL: Top of the line: Very long rollers and / or top performance machines – typical winding machines with best performance (toilet, kitchen and industrial paper).




Spreader roll Mink® – BSW134/163/194

GD Total diameter
GL Total length
WL Roll length
WD Shaft diameter
M Thread

BSW134/163/194 - Request a quote

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