
CCS: Upgrades and technical solutions for your equipments

Tailor Made Solutions

Production demands are constantly changing. CCS provides tailor made upgrade options to extend the life of your existing equipment and to increase the performance capabilities.
Machine UPGRADES or PRE ASSEMBLED PARTS to reduce the costs and to increase safety and productivity.
We can design and produce customized parts and we ensure the confidentiality of any technical consultation.

Quick change lower system

CCS Upgrade

The CLAREN QUICK CHANGE LOWER SYSTEM consists in the study, supply and installation of a new lower sealer system composed by:

New motor support, new levering system, new sealer with quick changeover plug, new sliding upper plate.

 Applicable toKPL/PERINI 424/425 – MW 42 – A5T

Quick change knife system

CCS Upgrade

This CLAREN QUICK CHANGE KNIFE SYSTEM replaces the existing upper and lower knife supports with new knife supports designed for using quick change cartrdige.

Applicable to:

  • KPL/PERINI 424/425 – A5T

Cut/seal belt

CCS Upgrade

The CLAREN CUT/SEAL BELT UPGRADE replaces the cut/seal drive chain system with low maintenance timing belts and eliminates the pneumatic control of the internal contrast helical flexible blade.

Applicable to: 

  • KPL/PERINI CMB 150 – CMB 200

Universal mechanical folding system

CCS Upgrade

The CLAREN UNIVERSAL MECHANICAL FOLDING SYSTEM replaces the standard multipiece tucking and folding system with a universal assembly capable of producing all single and double layer multi-roll formats with the same folding parts.

Applicable to: 

  • KPL/PERINI MW42/EVO – CMW424/425
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